Friday, June 8, 2012

Cake or Death?

I've had a raging, psychotic sugar beast on my back bit of a sweet tooth as of late and surfing Pinterest hasn't been helping me ignore it one bit. If you've ever been on Pinterest, you know what I mean. I've managed pretty well so far and by that I mean I've started eyeing that year old box of terrible dollar store popsicles I somehow managed to never throw away, but then I came across a pin for a two ingredient cake. All you need is a 12oz can of soda and a box of cake mix. Somewhere in my head a tiny voice whispered, "Weeeeeight Waaaatcheeeers..." and another little part of me cheered! I remembered hearing the same sort of recipe in a Weight Watchers meeting long ago (using diet soda), but I'd never tried it and that's when my sugar beast sweet tooth screamed, "What are you waiting for, woman?!"

What indeed? I'd made a great dinner and my dad was visiting, so it felt like a good enough occasion for cake, darn it!

There's a real danger factor for me in keeping random boxes of cake mix in the house, so I just don't do it. I'm not above hopping in the car and speeding to the nearest store, though. Sadly, my car is in the shop, so the job fell to the hubster and good timing too, because it was just about time for him to get out of work.

I explained to him that he could pick out any cake mix he wanted, but if it turned out to be a white cake, the diet soda should probably be a clear one. He came home with Funfetti cake mix (his favorite) and a bottle of Sprite Zero and I went to work.

"I doubt this recipe," hubster told me, raising an eyebrow. "I mean, what's it going to taste like?"

"It's going to taste like freakin' cake!" I cheered. I may or may not have been dancing. I admit to nothing!

I heard my dad tell hubster: "I've never had 'freakin' cake' before. Hope it doesn't kill us."

"I still don't think it's going to turn out right," hubster called and right then and there I made a bet with him. If the cake tasted good, he had to do the dishes, if it didn't I would have to take out the trash. High stakes 'round here. I'd trashed the kitchen making dinner.

And now I present to you...

 Freakin' Cake
1 box of any flavor cake mix
12oz any diet soda

Combine cake mix with soda until well mixed and bake according to the directions on the cake mix box.

It's that easy and you save a ton of calories!

I'm guessing it was a hit since hubster did the dishes and, hey, no one died!


  1. That sounds like a very tasty cake! It must have been really good since your Dad doesn't usually eat cake. :)

  2. That's true! I didn't think of that. The only thing he didn't like were the sprinkles and truth be told, I'm not one for sprinkles either. Next time I want to try it with one of those sugar free chocolate cake mixes and some diet cherry Dt Pepper!
